6月18日にリリースされるサバイバルホラー「Still Wakes the Deep」の最新トレイラーが公開に
本作はThe Chinese Roomが開発する,一人称視点のサバイバルホラーゲーム。プレイヤーは,1975年の北海に浮かぶ石油掘削施設を舞台に,電気も通信手段も断たれた状況から,仲間達を救助したり,協力し合ったりしながら生き残りを目指すことになる。
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Still Wakes the Deep
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Still Wakes the Deep
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Still Wakes the Deep
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(C)2023 Sumo Digital Limited t/a The Chinese Room. All rights reserved. Published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Secret Mode Limited is a subsidiary of Sumo Group Limited. SECRET MODE, the SECRET MODE logos and the crossed keys GLHF logo are registered trade marks of Sumo Group Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.
(C)2023 Sumo Digital Limited t/a The Chinese Room. All rights reserved. Published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Secret Mode Limited is a subsidiary of Sumo Group Limited. SECRET MODE, the SECRET MODE logos and the crossed keys GLHF logo are registered trade marks of Sumo Group Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.